After visiting the canal you might be interested in visiting a rainforest. Panama is one of the best places to visit a rainforest - it may be only ten minutes away from your hotel! The Parque Natural Metropolitano is in the city limits of Panama City. There is a road that will take you to observation area where you can see hundreds of plant and animal species. Stop at Los Trinos to bird watch, Cedar Hill is the highest point at 492 feet above sea level and there are several trails that you can hike. The Mono Titi Trail and La Cienaguita trails are moderate and will take you about one hour to complete. Other trails include Los Caobos, Los Momotides and El Roble all can be completed in an hour or less. If you wish to avoid crowds take the Caobos Trail and the easiest trail is Momotides. At the top of the hill you can see the Pacific Ocean, the entrance of the Panama Canal and the islands - Flamenco, Naos, Perico, Taboga and Taboguilla. The best time to see birds is either early or late in the day.
Other things to do in Panama include river rafting at the Rio Chargres/Chiriqui Grande. Hike the Parque Natural Metropolitano. Have a picnic in the Summit Botanic Gardens. Take a night tour of the Avenida Balboa. Go to the Causeway and visit the Smithsonian facilities. Camp in the Parque Nacional Campana. Go to Lake Gatun and fish or visit the Barro Colorado Island. Back pack to Bocas del Toro and San blas o playa Venao. Travel to Taboga and visit the Wild Life Refuge. Capture pictures of the Aguila Harpia the most dangerous prey bird in the world. Visit one of the many different Regional Fairs that may be in progress.
Panama has so much to do in such a small area. If you are interested in a trip that will provide you with an opportunity to do something unusual for a reasonable price - choose Panama.
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